30 June, 2008

If you have received a balloon...

So you have got an email with a red balloon attached!
Hopefully you would have received all of the instructions with it.
In case you didn't...

There are a couple of levels of involvement:

1st - minimal
send me an email at projectredballoons@gmail.com with...

a.) the number of the balloon you received
b.) Where in the world you are (at whatever level of precision you feel comfortable with. It could be anything from your street or suburb, city, state/county, or country)
c.) copy and paste the original email to only one other person - keep that balloon floating!

I will not use your email address or post it or pass it on... unless you ask me to I won't even use it to reply to you!

2nd - maximal (getting creative)
send me an email at projectredballoons@gmail.com with all of the above and...

d.) take a photo or draw a picture of where you are... or where you think you saw the balloon - so out your window, down your street - it in the middle of the main road in your city/town... anything you like.
e.) tell me a story about what has happened to the balloon, or where you saw it, or what was going on around it as it floated past...

Again, I will not use you email address or post it or pass it on, unless you ask me to I won't even use it to reply to you! I will, however post your responses to d.) and e.) on this blog unless you ask me not to! And if you want to tell me your name or anything about you I will post that too.

Please note that I am reserving the right to edit or not post/publish what you send me...

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